UPGRADE Prodecoder Automatic Mottura Nucleo Compact 6 pins


The UPGRADE kit will help you overcome the new Mottura Nucleo Compact with Antipicking (the red key of Mottura Nucleo Compact) called also Antideco.

Important!!! This kit is ONLY to be used with Prodecoder Automatic Mottura Nucleo Compact, which is NOT included in this package. You can find the product HERE

This Kit can be purchased separately (for people that already own the main decoder) or in a pack with the Prodecoder Automatic Mottura Nucleo Compact HERE

The UPGRADE includes:

  • top tension tool
  • bottom tension tool
  • lead tool

The kit comes with video instructions made with the Prodecoder Automatic and with addition to the UPGRADE that you will receive, with a unique serial number. This works as a guarantee that the UPGRADE comes in PERFECT working condition and also insures personal attention to every client. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact us at info@prodecoders.com


Weight 0.200 kg


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