Proedition Series

Doppia Mappa Grimaldello Bulgaro 


ProEdition tool lifts each lever (plate) of the Double Bit Locks to a specific height copying the shape of the original key. 

prodecoder predictions series

Outperform. Outlast.

Similar sticks, similar procedures, different models. If you work with one model, you already know how to work with all models. Easy to use and learn. Gets the job done!

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Easy repair. Easy work.

Easy to assemble and disassemble. Easy to repair any broken pin – just remove the external manipulator from the handle (back bolt) and pull out the pin. Now insert a new one. 

Proedition Series

With these tools you manipulate the pins. How soft or how hard they move is up to you. Just screw the back rod and tighten it. This fact increases the life of your tools and their pins. With Doppia Mappa Grimaldello Bulgaro Professional Locksmith Tools for Double Bit Locks (DOPPIA MAPPA DECODERyou can open no matter how the lock is oriented. ProEdition series open and decode more than 35 different models of Double Bit Locks and we keep developing new models constantly. Below are all videos you can watch! Not for Anti Pick Locks!

Easy to set up

This video will show you the basic of how to set up every model of ProEdition series. 

Choose your ProEdition Single Tool

Choose your ProEdition Kit - Special Price

ProEdition Spare Parts

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Double Bit Locks?

The Double Bit locks are built and operate much differently than the conventional and more popular pin locks. Their biggest disadvantage is that they do not allow for as many master-key combinations as pin tumbler locks.

In a basic, fixed, lever lock design, the entire lock is enclosed in a case – The simple lever lock has three or more lever wafers or plates that pivot on a post and are pushed into the ‘locking’ position by springs, which are bound against the case and attached to the tail end of each lever plate. When the original key is inserted into the lock and turned, it raises each plate (wafer) to the point where the fence of the lock’s bolt can clear the obstruction or face of each wafer, which also blocks each tumbler’s gate. When all the levers are in this position, the fence can be thrown through each tumbler’s gate, which pushes the bolt into the retracted position.

First step: Make sure you set up your stick

If you have just purchased your ProEdition Kit, make sure that your stick is set with the correct traction of the pins. Watch this video before you proceed with the Double Bit Lock opening. Still not sure what to do? Contact us

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